Jesse Nippert, John Blair, and the Konza Prairie LTER program give permission for this data set to be posted and distributed by the TIEE website. Collection of these data was supported by NSF.
For this exercise, there are three data sets available within the Excel files below.
Dataset 1: contains the mean aboveground productivity plus standard error for total, grass, and forb components separated into sites with annually and 20-yr burn treatments. This dataset will allow the student to examine the ‘overall impact’ of how fire frequency influences aboveground productivity.
Dataset 2: is assembled to expand upon information learned in Dataset 1 by including total annual precipitation as a potential explanatory variable for annual productivity. The strength of the relationship between these two variables (precipitation and productivity) is investigated by separating the data into two fire frequency intervals, topographies, and vegetation types.
Dataset 3: (additional data) contains the complete record of productivity values for all fire frequencies, topographies, and vegetation types. In addition, a third fire frequency is added (4-yr) to investigate the effects of intermediate disturbance in this grassland. A table of additional potential predictor variables beyond just total precipitation amount is included to investigate the influence of changing precipitation patterns (rather than just means alone) on aboveground productivity.