The 2008 AIBS/AAAS Biology Education Summit.
Susan Musante, Senior Education Program Associate, American Institute of Biological Sciences, smusante@aibs.org
The National Science Foundation sponsored an education summit for biology education organizations and professional societies. The summit was organized by the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Many groups and individuals work within these organizations on undergraduate biology reform initiatives to improve biology teaching and student understanding, however they do not often have the time or opportunity to get together to learn what others are doing. The summit brought together teams from biology education organizations and professional societies to hear about issues related to undergraduate biology education, share best practices, learn of new programs and initiatives, and meet people to establish collaborations. Participants were asked to share what they had learned with their colleagues in their own organizations and explore ways that members from different organizations could work together to reach their common goals. The summit presentations and a special report on the event are available on the AIBS website.