Downloadable Figure Set, Student Instructions, and Faculty Notes:
- Overview and Resources to this Issue Figure Set
PDF version (XXXk), DOC version (XXk)
- Software Download
lespedeza.R file (748 bytes)
- Figure Sets:
- Figure Set 1: What are the effects of herbivory on individual plant survival and growth?
PDF version (XXXk), DOC version (XXk)
- Figure Set 2: What are the effects of herbivory on population growth rate?
PDF version (XXXk), DOC version (XXk)
- Figure Set 3: Indirect effects of biological control of knapweed.
PDF version (XXXk), DOC version (XXk)
- Student Handouts:
- Handout 1: A) How values from a life cycle graph go into a matrix and B) Putting Transition Probabilities into a Matrix
DOC (45 kb)
- Handout 2: Instructions for using the R Program 'Lespedeza' to calculate population growth rate (λ)
DOC (24 kb)
- Handout 3: A Population Growth Rate of the Invasive Lespedeza cuneata
DOC (33 kb)
- Handout 4: A) Instructions for Changing Data in R Program
DOC (31 kb)
- Handout 5: Population Growth Rates of the Invasive Lespedeza cuneata in different clipping treatments
DOC (31 kb)
- Handout 6: Elasticity Analysis of Population Growth Rate of the Invasive Lespedeza cuneata
DOC (27 kb)