Work together in groups of four. Pair with one other person in the group. In each pair, one person should work on the
problem while the other coaches. Choose who will have each role for the first two figures then switch roles for the two figures.
First, examine Figure 2A. In this experiment, stems of milkweed leaves were put into tubes containing water. Five three-day-old
monarch larvae (instar is a stage of development) were placed on each leaf. The bar indicates variation between the five replicates.
Describe and interpret Figure 2B. Here the researchers sought to determine if there were significant differences in the numbers of larvae surviving in Bt corn fields and non-Bt corn fields in two different states, in order to analyze the toxicity of transgenic pollen on monarch larvae.
Figure 2C and 2D are from an experiment conducted a couple years after the first study. The vertical bars in both indicate variation between replicate larvae. Figure 2C is based on data from laboratory bioassays which investigated effects of Bt toxin on the weights of monarch butterflies. Bioassays are experiments that use living things to test the toxicity of chemicals. Figure 2D shows results of a contamination study. In this case researchers studied whether monarch larvae were affected by contaminants in the samples by comparing the varying levels of sifting of the pollen. Examine both figures.
Check your answers with the other pair in your group.