THE ISSUEEcological processes and patterns interact at various scales across landscapes. Spatially explicit consideration of pattern and process can better inform ecological questions. This Figure Set introduces students to the variability in scales of pattern and process and to the fundamentals of Landscape Ecology. ECOLOGICAL CONTENTallelopathy, biotic and abiotic interactions, competition, disturbance regime, fire regime, landscape ecology, physical template STUDENT-ACTIVE APPROACHESThink-pair-share, sketching conceptual figures STUDENT ASSESSMENTSsharing sketches of conceptual figures with class, informal short answer synthesis and application questions AUTHORCari Ficken1,3, Megan Fork2, and Matthew Fuller2 1University Program in Ecology, Duke University 2Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University 3Corresponding Author: Cari Ficken (cari.ficken@duke.edu) DOWNLOADSDescription of other Resource Files:
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank Dean Urban for his initial encouragement to develop this teaching module, as well as comments on previous drafts. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback and suggestions to improve the Figure Set. In addition, we thank Justin Wright for allowing us to trial our teaching module with his undergraduate ecology class. CITATIONCari Ficken, Megan Fork, and Matthew Fuller. 15 January 2015, posting date. Patterns and process in Landscape Ecology: Physical template, biotic interactions, and disturbance regime. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 10: Figure Set #1 [online]. https://tiee.esa.org/vol/v10/issues/figure_sets/ficken/abstract.html |
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