The following websites provide useful information concerning biotechnology:
- Council for Biotechnology Information - published by biotechnology companies to communicate
"science-based information about the benefits and safety of agricultural and food biotechnology"
has sections for Consumers, Farmers, Journalists, and Teachers & Students
- Biotechnology Dictionary - by Charles Hagedorn and Susan Allender-Hagedorn, respectively a
soil microbiologist and a writing instructor at VA PolyTech; will be updated periodically
- Biotech Knowledge Center - sponsored by Monsanto; includes News, Basics, Glossary, and a
set of essays in Topic Library with www links
- Biotech Chronicles - published by the National Health Museum, established by the Surgeon General
in 1996; the Chronicles includes "BioTech Thru the Ages," Pioneer Profiles, BioTech Processes, and
essays called BioTech Briefs
- National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy - published by a private, non-profit includes News
with case studies, BioTech in the United States and Europe, Pesticides, Trade & Development, and
Farm and Food Policy sections
- Ag Biotech InfoNet -claims to be independent and commercial free; includes links to papers in a variety
of sources - including Science and Nature - on Gen. Engineering Applications, Insect and Disease
Resistance, Herbicide Tolerance, Environmental Impacts, and Health Risks
- AgBioForum - Journal of AgrobioTech Management and Economics funded by the Illinois Missouri
BioTechnology Alliance and edited at the University of Missouri-Columbia
- Rediscovering Biology: Genetically Modified Organisms- published by Annenberg/CPB, includes videos
and images, expert interviews, glossary, and resources
- Biotech Issues, published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, includes peer-reviewed
articles on genetically modified foods and crops.
- Fernandez-Cornejo, J., and W. D. McBride. 2002. Adoption of Bioengineered Crops. Economic Research Service (ERS) U.S. Department of Agriculture
ERS Agricultural Economic Report No. AER810. 67 pp, May 2002. The ERS is the main source of economic information and research from the USDA.
"This report uses USDA survey data to examine the extent to which US farmers have adopted bioengineered crops, factors affecting adoption of these crops, and
the impacts of bioengineered crops on input use and farm-level net returns."